Quick Time Events (QTEs) in Game Design

Gaurav Barai
3 min readApr 16, 2023


Video from GDQuest explaining QTEs

Quick Time Events (QTEs) have been used in game design for several years now. QTEs are button prompts that appear on the screen that players must press in a specific sequence and time. These events can create a sense of excitement and tension in a game, as well as adding a level of interaction and skill to the experience. In this blog, we will discuss the use of QTEs in game design, how to design them effectively, and provide examples of games that have implemented them well.

Designing QTEs

Designing QTEs requires careful consideration to ensure that they enhance the game’s experience rather than detract from it. Some important factors to consider when designing QTEs include:

  1. Context: QTEs must be contextualized within the game’s narrative and gameplay. They should make sense in the game’s world and add to the story or gameplay experience.
  2. Feedback: Players should receive clear feedback when they perform a QTE correctly or incorrectly. This feedback can be visual or auditory and can help players understand what they need to do to succeed.
  3. Difficulty: The difficulty level of QTEs should be balanced with the rest of the game. QTEs that are too difficult can frustrate players, while those that are too easy can be uninteresting.
  4. Variety: QTEs should be varied and not overused. Overusing QTEs can make the game feel repetitive and dull.

Examples of QTEs in Game Design

Uncertain : At Light’s End

Uncertain 2 is a sci-fi future based puzzle game that uses QTEs during its combat sequences. The game’s QTEs require players to press the correct button prompts for certain actions such as avoiding detection from Robots or Security cameras. The game’s QTEs add a layer of challenge to the game’s combat, requiring players to stay alert and react quickly to incoming attacks.

Uncertain At Light’s End | Gameplay Video: https://youtu.be/UbCZaPJwDto?t=1050

God of War : Ragnarok

God of War 4 is an action-adventure game that uses QTEs to add variety to its combat and cut-scenes. Players must press the correct button prompts to or they might die. The game’s QTEs require players to perform precise button inputs to progress, adding an element of strategy to its combat and extra layer of difficulty

QTE in God of War | Source: https://caniplaythat.com/2022/11/03/god-of-war-ragnarok-accessibility-review/
QTE in God of War | Source: https://caniplaythat.com/2022/11/03/god-of-war-ragnarok-accessibility-review/


QTEs are a popular game design mechanic that can add excitement and skill to a game’s experience. When designing QTEs, it is important to consider the context, feedback, difficulty, and variety of the event. Games such as Uncertain 2 and God of War 4 have successfully implemented QTEs, providing players with engaging and challenging gameplay experiences. By following these design principles, game designers can create QTEs that enhance a game’s narrative and gameplay experience.

Article mainly written by ChatGPT and edited by me.

Thanks for your time, I hope you learnt something new today!

Song I was listening to while writing this article

